Tuesday, November 19, 2013

tail biter!

Coda's top caudal fin is completely shredded, even more so now than when I took this picture. At first I thought he'd gotten caught between his floating log and the tank, but the shredding continued after I removed the log. Pretty sure now it's just tail biting, hopefully not from stress. He does have a horizontal stress stripe, which he's had since I got him, but I don't know what could be stressing him short of the filter. I baffled the outflow when I first got the tank and today I put sponge around the intake as well. It could be that his fins were too long for his liking, or he could just be bored. I haven't actually seen him biting though. I did an 80% water change and loaded his tank up with IAL so hopefully it'll help a bit. Will just have to keep an eye on him.

EDIT: I thought Coda might have butterfly coloring, but looking at this picture...I'm wondering if he bit his fins off before and the lighter parts are just new fins that have grown in. He might be even more of a brat than Zeta e_e

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